Worn out truck parts can quickly result in downtime for you and your truck. Now, we all know what downtime means, additional and unwanted costs. That why it's critical that your truck is scheduled for regular maintenance and timely replacements for worn-out truck parts.
Below we've listed some of the most common signs to keep an eye out for to identify worn-out parts on your truck. Our goal is to empower you with the information you need to stay safe out on the road. So when you’re doing your daily checks, keep an eye on these parts to avoid them becoming bigger issues down the track.
Tyre wear and tear
Your tyres are one of the most important features of your truck. This means they have the potential to impact your safety, and the safety of others, on the road. If you notice your tyres have worn tread, cuts, abrasions, bulges, etc, then it's time to get some new tyres. Don't risk it.
Decreased fuel efficiency
Decreased fuel efficiency is a sign that something isn’t quite right with your truck. Running out of fuel due to faulty fuel gauges is easily avoidable through routine maintenance and inspections. Remember, correct and timely maintenance can reduce the occurrence of fuel issues.
Noises and vibrations
If you notice unusually noises, it likely means something's wrong with your truck. You know better than anyone what ‘normal noises’ are in your truck, and if you hear irregular vibrations, rattling or knocking, pull over and call your local truck repair centre.
Reduced performance and power
Worn-out truck parts can result in reduced performance and power of your truck. This is not ideal, and is a key sign that something's wrong. The flow on effects of your truck running with reduced power and efficiency include, reduced fuel economy, increased maintenance costs and increased downtime over the life of your truck.
Brake issues
Your truck is made up of many components that work to keep you safe on the roads, but none are more important than your brakes. Your brake system is made up of multiple parts, which require maintenance, repairs and replacement to ensure they remain in peak working condition. It’s important as an operator that you know what to look for when it comes to issues with your brakes. Things to keep an eye out for include, the brake light on your dashboard coming on, unusual burning smells, leaking fluid and pulling or odd feelings when braking.
It’s important to identify these key signs for worn-out truck parts to ensure the reliability and safety of your truck. Ensuring your truck is scheduled for regular maintenance and inspections will ensure your truck and all required truck parts are checked over. By paying attention to these signs, you’ll be able to identify when it’s time for worn-out parts to be replaced. Remember, seeking help from your local truck service centre is vital to keeping your truck operating in peak performance, minimising your downtime and maximising its lifespan.
It’s important that your truck parts repair and service provider, and your parts supplier are under the same roof, or work hand in hand. CLA Truck parts has this covered, working closely with our sister company Truckfix WA, to ensure all your trucking needs are met. You don’t want to be caught out with long wait periods because your truck repairer and parts supplier operate separately.
At CLA Truck Parts, we ensure we source the required parts and accessories for our customers. Working with our network of parts partners to ensure we can meet your needs.
Get in contact with Perth’s Independent Iveco truck parts specialist today!